Python virtual environment

go to directory ~/Documents/GitHub/excitability


create a folder containing python interpreter for the virtual environment

virtualenv -p python env

activate virtual enviroment. once activated, the prompt will start with (env).

source env/bin/activate

verify whether the virtual environment is activated.

which python

Manage packages

install packages in the virtual environment, or python will search for the same package in other python interpreters in the computer.

pip install sphinx
pip freeze

Add virtual environment to jupyter notebook

install jupyter using brew. uninstall existing jupyter installed with pip.

brew install jupyter

install the kernel for this virtual environment.

python -m ipykernel install --user --name env

list installed kernels and remove unwanted kernels.

jupyter kernelspec list
jupyter kernelspec remove kernelname

list installed kernels and remove unwanted kernels.

jupyter kernelspec remove kernelname